Iced Tea Labs

2D Graphics using Multi-threading

A - Introduction Multi-threading To a game developer, Multi-threading is a must-know term. Multi-threading is used when your application needs to do a lot tasks parallely. By this way, all the tas...

ListView Dialog

First of all, I’ll show you the result of this post to give you some motivation As usual, you need to create the layout in main.xml file Create layout for your List View Dialog my_list.xm...

Custom List View

A - Introduction ListView is a very important control in Android programming. Almost every apps has ListView. ListView doesn’t only contain text but also other controls like ImageView, Button, Che...

Tab Layout

A - Introduction about Tab Layout To implement the content of a tab, we have 2 ways: Using tab to navigate among views in a same activity Using tab to navigate among activities In this post, I’...

2D Graphic in Android

I - Introduction 2D Graphic in Android In Android, to draw anything you always need 4 basic components: An object type Bitmap to hold all the pixels you need to draw An object hold all the drawi...

Custom Button

Sometime, you don’t want to use provided buttons style of Android like this: You want something’s special, an GUI in your own and unique style. In this post, we will create a custom button usin...

Custom Radio Button & Custom Checkbox

In previous post “Custom Button” we know how to customize a default Button of Android. Similarly, in this post, I will show you the way to customize default Radio Button and Checkbox using XML fil...

Use Existing SQLite Database in Android App

In my previous post about SQLite , I only post the way to create database when application started. In reality, we do not only need a database to store data but also need one to read information f...


A - Introduction Fragment is some kind of “small Activity”. It can be embed into an Activity and reused in others. With Fragment, It’s easier for you to design multi-GUI for handset, tablet… Fr...

Custom Toast

A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user. It will never receive focus and will be dismiss after a specific time. By default, if you want to call a simple Toast, all you nee...